Why Date Nights Matter in Relationships
Everyone always hears that date nights are important, especially for long term relationships. But have you ever thought why besides the obvious “spending quality time together”?
3 reasons date night matters:
It gives you something to look forward to break up the monotony of the day to day. Work, kids, and life can sometimes make life feel like Ground Hog’s Day. Wake up, rinse, repeat. In order to change this feeling, planning weekly or biweekly date nights can help make us feel excited and give us something to look forward to. Get creative with your date nights so it doesn’t feel like another thing to check off your list.
It helps you feel more connected to your partner. The more shared experiences you have with someone, the more comfortable you feel with each other. When you watch your partner try something new, you meet a new part of them. This will help keep that spark alive.
You are showing each other that your relationship matters. When you choose to commit to someone, you are choosing them over and over again, every day. This is a special relationship and pouring into it will make the relationship that much stronger.
Ways to make date night work:
Keep it simple. Pick one thing to do together. Doing a puzzle together, going out for a movie, doing a pasta making class together, etc.
Keep it consistent. Commit to once a week or 2 times a month.
Get creative. This can be a fun way to try to new things together.
Make it a rule to keep the phones away. It is hard to step away from our phones but uninterrupted time will make the time together that much more fun. If you can’t keep you phone away, at least make it a rule to only check it every 30 minutes for important calls or messages.
Want more support in rekindling your relationship? Schedule a free 15 min phone consultation today to get matched with one of our skilled couples therapist.